B-PEP NEWS Archive
B-PEP strives to keep all community members engaged and involved in the community. This page serves as an resource of various initiatives, political events, and current news in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. If you think something should be posted, please send a short description and article link to: bpepweb@gmail.com.
JANUARY 21, 2021
Black, police-accountability orgs announce ‘concrete commitments’ from Peduto on reform.
FEBRUARY 15, 2021
JANUARY 21, 2021
Pittsburgh City Council plans to amend a bill that would give the city’s Citizen Police Review Board more power to investigate police misconduct and civil rights complaints against officers, one of the sponsors said Wednesday during a virtual public hearing.
OCTOBER 23, 2020
Administrative assistant for the Black Political Empowerment Project, waits for residents to arrive to register to vote Monday in the Hill District.